Scalingo for Redis®

Deploy Redis®* in less seconds than it takes to grab a coffee.
Fully managed, highly-available & production ready.
30 days free trial / No credit card required / Hosted in Europe

What's included on Scalingo?

Completely managed

Provision Redis® clusters on-demand. Never think about machines and never install software. We give you the connection details, and you're good to go!


High Availability


Metrics, logs and health checks

Latest open-source Redis version

Persistence and cache mode

Find the plan you need

We offer different plan to make sure
we satisfy your needs
Plan Comparator
Sandbox Starter Business
RAM 64 MB 256 MB - 32 GB 256 MB - 32 GB
Included storage 64 MB 5 GB - 640 GB 5 GB - 640 GB
SLA N/A 98% 99.96%
Number of nodes 1 1 3
One click upgrades to new versions
Switch between plans seamlessly
Performance graphs & Logs
Encryption at rest
Daily Backups
High Availability

Scalingo is there for you!

We use the Gigabyte-Hour (GB-h) unit measure for disk usage. This is a storage unit that sums, for each hour, the number of stored gigabytes on the disk.

The chosen plan comes with an included storage space (in GB). In practice, this included storage is calculated in Gigabyte-Hour (GB-h).

At the end of each month, we check the average amount of disk usage per hour. If this exceeds the amount allocated by the plan you have chosen, you will be billed for each additional GB-h at the following rates:

- €0.0007/Gigabyte-hour for storage on osc-fr1 region
- €0.0008333/Gigabyte-hour for storage on snc-fr1 region

Scalingo is already used by + 1000 companies
and over 35,000 developers.

Scalingo the
European PaaS

Your data in safe hands with a sovereign Platform as a Service.
European company with customers all over the world.
GDPR compliant, HDS and ISO 27001 certified. Your data is safe with us.
Datacenters located in Paris, France.

Multiply your tech team productivity

free capacity for your tech team
happiness and ⅓ less of the cost of previous infrastructure

Sleep well
Scalingo is here for you

Scalingo offers a top-notch product to deploy any kind of web application.
Scale automatically with the autoscaling feature. Enjoy Continuous Deployment without handling servers.
High Availability (up to 99,9% SLA) and automatic backups. Host any kind of languages with buildpacks. Always find up to date versions.
Security built-in: Scalingo auto-heals itself from security vulnerabilities in OS, databases and application stacks.

You will never be alone again

We provide high value customer service.
Expert and human technical support.
DevOps experts available via chat or e-mail. No tickets or waiting list to get an answer.
Complete documentation available.
Picture of Etienne from the Scalingo support team
Hi, I'm Etienne 👋

Try Scalingo for free

30-day free trial / No credit card required / Hosted in Europe