Appsdeck is now in open beta!

May 02, 2014 - 5 min read
Appsdeck is now in open beta!

What does that mean?

First, It means you no longer need a beta code to sign up.

Second, it means more polished things as we approach the commercial launch. Of course, you will notice a nicer homepage and dashboard. But more importantly, you can now add add-ons to your app. In this first batch you will have the choice among MongoDB, Redis and MySQL add-ons. These add-ons are developped by Appsdeck. They are “elastic” which means that you can choose their capacity (memory wise) and you can scale them down or up later in real time depending on your needs.

In the coming days, we’ll write detailed articles on each of the main features we’ve just introduced. In the mean time, check out the screenshots below and signup on Appsdeck!

New homepage

Appsdeck new homepage screenshot

New dashboard

Appsdeck dashboard screenshot

List of deployments

List of deployments screenshot


Addons screenshot
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Yann Klis
Yann Klis
Yann Klis co-founded Scalingo. Scalingo's vision is to offer a european sovereign cloud housting platform for developers. Today Scalingo hosts thousands of web applications from customers located all over the world. Before that Yann founded Novelys a web studio specialised in Ruby on Rails technology.

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